Herb Sutter

Herb Sutter is a prominent C++ expert. He is also a book author and a columnist for Dr. Dobb's Journal. He joined Microsoft in 2002 as a platform evangelist for Visual C++ .NET, rising to lead software architect for C++/CLI.[1] Sutter served as secretary and convener of the ISO C++ standards committee for over 10 years. In September 2008 he was replaced by P.J. Plauger. He then re-assumed the convener position,[2] after Plauger resigned in October 2009.[3][4]


Guru of the Week

From 1997 to 2003, Sutter regularly created C++ programming problems and posted them on the Usenet newsgroup comp.lang.c++.moderated, under the title Guru of the Week. The problems generally addressed common misconceptions or poorly understood concepts in C++. Sutter later published expanded versions of many of the problems in his first two books, Exceptional C++ and More Exceptional C++.



  1. ^ Sutter, Herb (2004-04-01). "Trip Report: October–December 2003". Dr. Dobb's Journal. http://www.ddj.com/cpp/184401790. Retrieved 2009-05-21. 
  2. ^ Sutter's Mill, Herb Sutter's blog on software, hardware, and concurrency (2010-03-03). "Where can you get the ISO C++ standard, and what does "open standard" mean?". http://herbsutter.com/2010/03/03/where-can-you-get-the-iso-c-standard-and-what-does-open-standard-mean/. Retrieved 2011-10-16. 
  3. ^ Stefanus Du Toit, ISO/IEC C++ Standards Committee Paper N3003 (2009-12-04). "Minutes of WG21 Meeting, October 19, 2009". pp. 10, 20–21. http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2009/n3003.pdf. Retrieved 2010-04-10. 
  4. ^ comp.std.c++, George Ryan, Ville Voutilainen, Francis Glassborow, and Steve Clamage (2009-10-25). "Plauger resigned as convener?". http://groups.google.com/group/comp.std.c++/browse_thread/thread/a8e772c69e71b73e/56cc158874ada8e7?show_docid=56cc158874ada8e7&fwc=1#. Retrieved 2009-10-27. 

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